Lin Wei-Lun
Surrounded by steelmaking and oil refinery plants, Dalinpu is a highly polluted village located on the outskirts of the city of Kaohsiung, Southern Taiwan.

In 2019, the city government drafted a relocation plan for the village, which sparked outrage among local residents. While some residents opposed relocation due to the poor relocation packages offered by the city government, others rejected it entirely due to a strong sense of connection to the place.

In collaboration with environmental anthropologist Raffaele Ippolito, this project focuses on the discordant narratives surrounding environmental suffering that residents of fenceline communities such as Dalinpu often uphold. Sometimes, these stand in contrast with the claims of environmental advocacy groups and governmental institutions.

Through participant observation and ethnographic interviews with the villagers, the project aims to navigate the complexity of life in Dalinpu in the face of contamination and land dispossession. This complexity is marked by chemical exposure and socio-economic marginalisation resulting from industrial development.

“Dalinpu” work in progress is showcased in Oxford Global Health & Bioethics International Conference 2023.

© Lin Wei-Lun